segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

Our children going up the hill - 22/03/2006 (The slangs in Rio are usually over the hills)

For some time now has been discussed the great demand of teenage by drug addiction, especially healthy young people with education, with loving parents. Coincidentally, another issue comes up in this decade: the lack of boundaries. Parents with much love, but without the wisdom to give healthy limits for their children.
It’s natural that, analyzing the story, there is a rebound effect, as we move from a time of great repression, in almost every way, and right now there's too much freedom in many aspects of society.
However, as it is for parents and educators of character of this generation, it is the hardest part which is, within this rebound effect, and this tendency to exaggerate "accidentally" in the freedom we give our children, get the emotional capacity to understand if exaggerate or not.
At this juncture, what a friend do should not be a parameter because we are all in the same boat. Vocational guidance, both trained educators, and specialists in this area are very welcome ideas and sometimes essential.
This "compromise” must be found. Each family is a case, because the first generation without limits already climbed the hills to search for "law".
If there is no "law" at home, stands on the hill for sure.
These beloved sons are in need, desperately, of limits, of law. The limits give the basis of personality.
What we parents repudiated was the excess. But now, these kids are giving their lives in the hands of smugglers and murderers to achieve that.
Who has not wondered WHY? Why my beautiful and beloved daughter threw herself headlong into drugs? Why do so many follies? Why do not have the capacity of self respect?
How many of us teach, within this broad love of parents, that child has its place in society and must respect the limits that we place? Nowadays few of us do, and worse, we do not realize that. Only when we see that our beloved children are already the painful consequence of our fruitless actions.
Let it serve as a push in order to have the will, without shame, to question and seek a professional to confirm if we are on track.

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